We Train You For a Successful GMAT



  1. We provide dedicated GMAT Training using the latest methodologies and expert faculty to boost your score
  2. Our trained faculty will provide expert tips and personal assistance to help you with the essay writing process
  3. The GMAT exam requires a tremendous amount of mental stamina as it is of four hours in duration. Our GMAT coaching methodology will ensure that you will learn effective time and energy management strategies to help you give your best at the exam
  4. We provide numerous mock tests which are designed to simulate the actual test and give personalized feedback on the test results as well as strategies to improve your score.

GMAT Training (Graduate Management Admission Test)

The Graduate Management Assessment Test (GMAT) is a standardized test that is designed to evaluate applicants who wish to pursue post-graduation in management and ascertain whether they are ready for the academic rigors of the program. It evaluates your skills in various areas such as reading, verbal, writing, analytical computational, and reasoning skills.

Which Colleges accept the GMAT?

More than 2100 universities and colleges accept the GMAT scores as a criteria for selection. Almost all the top universities including the Ivy League schools in America and universities like Oxford, Cambridge and Leeds in UK accept the GMAT scores, apart from other prestigious universities. The GMAT has grown to become a benchmark for colleges to determine a student’s ability to undertake the rigorous course work expected in a graduate management program. Some universities stipulate that GMAT scores are a mandatory part of the selection process, while for some the GMAT score is optional.

Features and benefits of GMAT

  1. Students take the GMAT if they intend to take up a graduate program in management at a university abroad.
  2. Most colleges which offer an MBA program for international students required all candidates to take the GMAT and submit their scores as a part of the admission process.
  3. Some universities however leave it to the discretion of the student and let them decide. However it is recommended however that you take the test and submit your scores, as it will give you an advantage over those who choose to skip the test.
  4. The GMAT can also help you receive merit based aid for funding your tuition, as some colleges use the GMAT scores as a benchmark for selecting candidates for scholarships.
  5. You can take the GMAT exam at any time after you complete you’re under graduation or when you are in the last semester of your final year of under graduation.
  6. You can take the GMAT test at any of the standardized test centers located in over 112 countries.
  7. The scores of the test are valid for a period of five years after you take the test. However it is best to submit scores that are not more than a year old.
Countries which accept GMAT scores

The GMAT is accepted by Management institutes in the following countries

  • USA
  • UK

The GMAT or Graduate Management Aptitude Test is a Computer based Adaptive Test (CAT). It evaluates the students on the following four areas.

  2. This section is of 30 minutes duration and measures your abipty to read, understand and critique an argument. It assesses your abipty for thinking critically and focusing on a specific aspect of the argument.

  4. This section comprises of 12 questions which you are expected to answer in 30-minutes. It measures your skill at comprehending and analyzing complex data and using the output to find solutions to problems. This part needs focused study during your GMAT exam preparation and our trained faculty are well equipped to help you with the various parameters of this section.

  5. Quantitative section
  6. This section consists of thirty seven questions which have to be answered over 75 minutes. This section evaluates your skills at comprehending word problems and figurative problems.

  7. Verbal section
  8. The verbal section tests the candidates for sentence correction, Reading comprehension and critical reasoning. It comprises of forty one questions that have to be answered over seventy five minutes.The GMAT Exam has four separately timed sections. You will have the opportunity to take two optional eight-minute breaks during the exam.

Test Section Time Limit / Number of Questions Question Types Score Range
Analytical Writing Assessment
30 minutes
1 question
Analysis of an Argument
(in 0.5-point increments)
Integrated Reasoning
30 minutes
12 questions
Graphics Interpretation, Table Analysis, Multi-source Reasoning, Two-part Analysis
(in 1-point increments)
Quantitative Reasoning
62 minutes
31 questions
Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving
(in 1-point increments)
Verbal Reasoning
65 minutes
36 questions
Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction
(in 1-point increments)

Scoring of the GMAT
  1. The total score for the GMAT ranges from 200 to 800 with 10 incremental points.
  2. A sub score which ranges between 0 to 60 will be provided for the quantitative and Verbal sections.
  3. The score for Analytical writing assessment ranges from 0 to 6 points.
  4. The score for integrated reasoning can range from 1 to 8 points
  • Location: Hyderabad
    8-277/45, Road Number:3, UBI Colony, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500034
    201, 2nd floor,Lohia Towers,Nirmala Convent, Benz Circle, Vijayawada, AP 520010
  • Phone : +91-7207202579
  • Email:info@abroaddirections.com
